


About us...

Unsocial Co are the defenders of all things old school. We honor builders, riders, artists and barbers, the way of the independent rebel and outlaw. 

We take great pride in making the highest quality hair styling & tattoo care products on the market.

The society we intend to create, we build with our fellow defenders of that old school life, we call it the Unsocial Family. 

How it all started...

Unsocial was born 2009 in Florida putting together chopper runs, zines, skate deck collaborations and designing fresh products. Several years later the brand got popular throughout Floridian and Californian traditional barbershop with it's finely crafted product Unsocial Co. Pomade. 

A culture of like minded individuals who grew up in tattoo parlors, skating, riding choppers, building hotrods and getting sharpened up at traditional barbershops, where gramps still ran the show. It cultivated the traditional spirit we not only hold with principles, but also wear on the outside with style and honor. 

Tatted up, teeth missing, scars to show the life we live and the respect it deserves. From inital collaborations and debauchery, to the years of testing and trialing before the first puck was born, and the rest is history in the making and what fires up the engines of the community that is now... 

...Welcome to the Unsocial Club.


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